Frequently asked questions


Please visit this link to register for your publisher account:
Please contact our support team to set up your XML feed. Support Team
Please contact our support team to setup your QTJ API. Support Team
Submit your website URL from your publisher's account for approval
XML Feeds Statistics are accessible from the right sidebar inside your account.
API Statistics are accessible from the right sidebar inside your account.
Domain Ads Statistics are accessible from the right sidebar inside your account.

You have to submit a self invoice at the beginning of new month by using approved monthly statistics from your “QuickToJobs” Publisher account.

Minimum Payout is 100€.

The approved clicks shall initially be determined on the basis of “QuickToJobs”  tracking information which is available in a publisher's account. At the end of each month, the publisher will provide “QuickToJobs”  detailing the number of approved clicks from their publisher account on an invoice. Publisher shall send an invoice to “QuickToJobs”  after 3 working days at the beginning of a new month. The amount payable shall be due within 60 days after “QuickToJobs” receives the invoice.

For example: July invoice will be paid September.

Approved clicks go through the click validation process so they can be verified as genuine clicks rather than fraudulent clicks.
Invalid clicks are clicks generated by automated scripts, click bots, duplicate clicks, fast clicks, foreign clicks, expired outbound clicks or other inauthentic sources.
​It is available in your account via the menu sidebar.
Contact Us
Astrid-Lindgren-Weg 12 38229 Salzgitter Germany